Tax strategy and advice

Tax Strategy & Advice

A strategic approach to tax

Tax is one of life’s certainties and it’s important to make sure you manage your obligations correctly and strategically.

Developing a long-term strategy

Australian businesses and individuals operate in a complex tax environment.

This creates both opportunities and risks. Our tax strategies are designed to assist clients in building their wealth while reducing their risk of being involved in expensive and emotionally draining litigation.

With in-house legal and accounting expertise we combine high-level consulting with plan implementation.

This may involve establishing tax structures such as companies, trusts and superannuation funds, or even business restructuring. We also manage Australian Tax Office audits and reviews as they arise.

Once implemented, tax plans need to be monitored and may need adjustment to remain within the boundaries of changing legislation.

Enjoy the comfort and peace of mind that flows from knowing that your tax affairs are being properly monitored and managed.

Help with life’s surprises

In addition to long-term tax planning, we also provide advice for one-off situations. Major life events can create a number of tax problems, often at times of great emotional upheaval.

When handled improperly and insensitively, major events like death and divorce can lead to unexpected tax bills at a difficult time.

The sale of a business and other forms of business succession are also one-off events that are best approached with a sound tax strategy in place.

Enjoy the comfort and peace of mind that flows from knowing that your tax affairs are being properly monitored and managed. Contact us to find out how we can help you.