
LDB’s quarterly share market review

LDB’s quarterly share market review: Fourth quarter 2018

After reaching the highest level in more than 10 years in late August 2018, the Australian share market...
How should I structure my insurance

How should I structure my insurances?

The types of insurance you require will vary depending on your individual needs, but it is important...
What do the changes to long service leave in Victoria mean for employers?

What do the changes to long service leave in Victoria mean for employers?

The Victorian Government has made some significant changes to its Long Service Leave Act that will impact...
What should I insure in my business?

What should I insure in my business?

Different types of insurance play different roles so it’s important to understand what’s available to assess which is relevant for your business.

Innovative investing – the modern approach to growing wealth

Innovative investing – the modern approach to growing wealth

Investing used to be a relatively simple process: buy some quality blue-chip shares, such as the big...
What are the Australian tax requirements and implications of running a Kickstarter?

What are the Australian tax requirements and implications of running a Kickstarter?

Everything you need to know about tax when running a crowdfunding campaign.

Meet Rohan Mansfield, Principal at LDB Group

Meet Rohan Mansfield, Principal at LDB Group

Rohan Mansfield spends his working days helping clients navigate the complex rules governing self-managed...
How to write a business plan

How to write a business plan

Every business needs a business plan and writing a plan provides a structured way in which to think about...
What does the Financial Services Royal Commission mean for consumers?

What does the Financial Services Royal Commission mean for consumers?

The Royal Commission into misconduct in the financial services Industry will have potential impacts on consumers. Read on to find out more.

LDB’s quarterly share market review: Third quarter 2018

LDB’s quarterly share market review: Third quarter 2018

The Australian share market had a strong start to the quarter on the back of a positive earnings reporting season. Read the full review here.

Understanding superannuation downsizing contributions for those aged 65 or older

Understanding superannuation downsizing contributions for those aged 60 or older

As an incentive for people to downsize their homes, those aged 65 or older can now contribute part or all of the proceeds of a home sale to super.

How LDB accountants bring unique value to the medical sector

How LDB accountants bring unique value to the medical sector

If you are a medical practitioner, you probably didn’t sign up for medical school because you wanted...
Tax for property investors - What can I claim?

Tax for property investors: What can I claim?

Among the attractions of investing in property is that most of the expenses incurred in owing and managing...
Update to buying property in a self-managed super fund (SMSF) using borrowings

Update to buying property in a self-managed super fund (SMSF) using borrowings

Rules for buying property through self-managed super funds (SMSFs) have changed, as major banks in Australia...
Meet Nicky Postan, Audit Manager at LDB Group

Meet Nicky Postan, Audit Principal at LDB Group

Nicky Postan leads a team of passionate professionals, with a focus on auditing, risk management and...